Some of my recent media appearances:

- Part 1 of an interview I did with Manda Scott (author of the bestselling Boudica books) in March 2021 for the Accidental Gods podcast series on ‘Seeds of Change: Growing a Different Future’ can be heard here.

- This is an interview I did for The Hive podcast series in December 2020 on ‘Power, Transformation and the Lost Birthright of our Species’.
In the media:
Over a period of many years I have been filmed regularly for television programmes and have been featured in radio interviews, both in Scotland and as far afield as Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of Argentina.

I’ve developed and cultivated the skill to speak with clarity and confidence in public settings, and in front of a camera or microphone. I am able to communicate my passion and inspiration for the natural world and its restoration in a way that is readily accessible to listeners and viewers, and which can touch people deeply. My TedX talk on Restoring the Ancient Caledonian Forest has had over half a million views.
This is the news item that resulted from the filming shown in the photograph above:

There is a real skill and knack to speaking in a media-friendly way in this day and age of sound bites and short attention spans. It’s vital to communicate the essence of an idea clearly and succinctly, to make the most of any opportunities that arise in order to obtain good exposure in the media, and to tell a meaningful story that lands with the audience. All the public speaking I’ve done during the past four decades has given me a depth of knowledge and understanding of the best way to truly communicate from the heart that has consistently led to very positive feedback from television and radio professionals.

Other media appearances:
- This is a short, 4 minute video produced by the Community Channel in 2014 about volunteering opportunities at Trees for Life that I feature in:
- This is an interview I took part in for the BBC Newsnight Scotland programme about rewilding and the potential reintroduction of missing predators to Scotland, in June 2013:
- This is a short film I featured in, as the first episode of the TreeStory series about people who have a special relationship with trees, in 2015:
- In 2015 and 2016 I gave a series of joint public talks in various parts of the country together with George Monbiot, the well-known Guardian columnist and author, on the theme of rewilding. One of those was hosted by the Sustainable Earth Institute at Plymouth University and the Network of Wellbeing, and that can be seen in full here:
- This is an interview I did with the Network of Wellbeing organisation in Devon, about wellbeing and the importance of connecting deeply with Nature for that:
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